Nirudhi Lingam Special...


Niruti Lingam Special...

In the world of Brahma, the Ashta Dikku Balakars, who were cursed by Lord Brahma, erected eight Shiva lingams in eight directions around the Annamalaiyar hill and worshiped it to get rid of his curse.

Ashta Dikku bridges:

Indra, Agni, Eman, Niruti, Varuna, Vayu, Kuberan, Isanan are the eight.

Due to their intense meditation, the Annamalaiyar hill gave them an eight-faced view. The Niruti Lingam is located near the Sona Theertham

Addressed their curse.

Nirutiswarar used to come and worship Hari.

Then on the south-western side of the Arunachala hill, the roar of a child and the sound of a woman's whistle were heard.That place

Nirutiswarar went towards.

In front of him appeared a replica lingam. That is Niruthilingam. The child will be blessed and get well if he worships here.

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