Sri Adimudi Siddhar. Thiruvannamalai.


Sri Adimudi Siddhar.

A monk set up a hut on the Thiruvannamalai Girivalapada and performed penance with his disciples. One of his disciples was Adimudi Siddhar. He has a simple appearance and is tasked with helping the Sivanadiars.For the convenience of the devotees, Adimudi Siddhar used to clean the ghats for the devotees at other times except when he was on duty to his Guru. Seeing this, the Sivanadiars and some of the workers in the nearby huts volunteered to do this spiritual work.

But, he will take the garbage from the cleaning work places in his hands to the co-workers and will be cashing in when they see it. Thus the miracles of Lord Siddhar are numerous.

He cured the ailments of his loved ones with the rare herbs of Thiruvannamalai.Realizing that it was time for him to reach the tomb, he called his disciples and said, "As soon as I meditate, bind me with a rope of straw on both my toes without touching my body and bury me where the rope cuts."

Siddhar was buried on the spot as the rope was cut in front of Gautama Maharishi's Ashram in Adiyanmalai while he was dragging his body on a straw rope.A few days later Siddhar's tomb turned into a snake carcass without proper maintenance.

In this situation, a torch in the shape of a torch appeared in the distance to a Sivanadiar who came to Kiriwalam. When he went to the place, he was surprised to find that there was a huge snake carcass there. Knowing the glories of Adimudi Siddhar, he performed his ministry there.A few days later it rained heavily with thunder.A self-lingam appeared from the cancer that had not dissolved in the rain to this day when it was dissolving little by little.

A small temple was built there with Achivalingam as its source. Since then, innumerable people have come to this temple opposite the ashram of Gautama Maharishi in the Annamalai at the foot of the Kiriwalapathai and received the blessings of Adimudi Siddhar, the embodiment of love, and benefited from their karma. Devotees who still come here are thinking of Adimudi SiddharMeditation brings peace of mind and tranquility.

The place where the Jiva Samadhi is located is a place full of energy. Usually those who seek the Guru will get the Guru if they worship at the living tombs of the saints and Siddhars. They will guide themselves.

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